Page Time: 0.2278s

Memory: 4.5190 MB (Peak: 6.7909 MB)

Queries (51, time: 0.1613s, 70.8%)

  1. SELECT data_key, data_value
    FROM xf_data_registry
    WHERE data_key IN ('options', 'languages', 'contentTypes', 'codeEventListeners', 'deferredRun', 'simpleCache', 'addOns', 'defaultStyleProperties', 'routeFiltersIn', 'routeFiltersOut', 'routesPublic', 'nodeTypes', 'bannedIps', 'discouragedIps', 'styles', 'displayStyles', 'userBanners', 'smilies', 'bbCode', 'threadPrefixes', 'userTitleLadder', 'reportCounts', 'moderationCounts', 'userModerationCounts', 'notices', 'userFieldsInfo')
    Run Time: 0.000415
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLExf_data_registryrangePRIMARYPRIMARY27 26Using where
  2. SELECT data_key, data_value
    FROM xf_data_registry
    WHERE data_key IN ('brListenerClasses', 'brBriviumAddOns')
    Run Time: 0.000111
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLExf_data_registryrangePRIMARYPRIMARY27 2Using where
  3. SELECT cache_value
    FROM xf_permission_combination
    WHERE permission_combination_id = ?
    Params: 1
    Run Time: 0.000117
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
  4. SELECT thread.*
    		user.gender, user.avatar_date, user.gravatar,
    		NULL AS thread_read_date,
    		0 AS thread_reply_banned,
    		0 AS thread_is_watched,
    		'' AS draft_message, NULL AS draft_extra
    FROM xf_thread AS thread
    		LEFT JOIN xf_user AS user ON
    			(user.user_id = thread.user_id)
    WHERE thread.thread_id = ?
    Params: 53304
    Run Time: 0.000247
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
  5. SELECT node.*, forum.*
    	permission.cache_value AS node_permission_cache,
    		NULL AS forum_read_date
    FROM xf_forum AS forum
    INNER JOIN xf_node AS node ON (node.node_id = forum.node_id)
    	LEFT JOIN xf_permission_cache_content AS permission
    		ON (permission.permission_combination_id = 1
    			AND permission.content_type = 'node'
    			AND permission.content_id = forum.node_id)
    WHERE node.node_id = ?
    Params: 64
    Run Time: 0.000268
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
  6. SELECT post.*
    		user.*, IF(user.username IS NULL, post.username, user.username) AS username,
    		session_activity.view_date AS last_view_date,
    		0 AS like_date
    FROM xf_post AS post
    		LEFT JOIN xf_user AS user ON
    			(user.user_id = post.user_id)
    		LEFT JOIN xf_user_profile AS user_profile ON
    			(user_profile.user_id = post.user_id)
    		LEFT JOIN xf_user_privacy AS user_privacy ON
    			(user_privacy.user_id = post.user_id)
    		LEFT JOIN xf_session_activity AS session_activity ON
    			(post.user_id > 0 AND session_activity.user_id = post.user_id AND session_activity.unique_key = CAST(post.user_id AS BINARY))
    WHERE post.thread_id = ?
    	 AND (post.position >= 0 AND post.position < 20) 
    	AND (post.message_state IN ('visible'))
    ORDER BY post.position ASC, post.post_date ASC
    Params: 53304
    Run Time: 0.000526
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLEpostrefthread_id_post_date,thread_id_positionthread_id_post_date4const1Using where; Using filesort,func1Using where
  7. INSERT DELAYED INTO xf_thread_view
    Params: 53304
    Run Time: 0.000083
  8. SELECT node.*
    FROM xf_node AS node
    WHERE node.node_id = ?
    Params: 64
    Run Time: 0.000134
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
  9. SELECT *
    FROM xf_brivium_metadata
    WHERE  content_type = ? AND content_id = ?
    Params: thread, 53304
    Run Time: 0.068994
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLExf_brivium_metadataALL    279472Using where
  10. SELECT *
    FROM xf_brivium_metadata
    WHERE  content_type = ? AND content_id = ?
    Params: forum, 64
    Run Time: 0.056331
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLExf_brivium_metadataALL    279472Using where
  11. SELECT user.*
    FROM xf_user AS user
    WHERE user.user_id = ?
    Params: 53304
    Run Time: 0.000291
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLE       Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables
  12. SELECT user.*
    FROM xf_user AS user
    WHERE user.user_id = ?
    Params: 828
    Run Time: 0.000254
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
  13. INSERT INTO `xf_session` (`session_id`, `session_data`, `expiry_date`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
    Params: 3d4db8156902e0d955e40a9fe9ecc7ef, a:9:{s:12:"sessionStart";i:1714778211;s:2:"ip";s:4:"t3u";s:11:"sessionCsrf";s:16:"KM9UcHcJlcthRXVy";s:9:"userAgent";s:103:"Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;";s:7:"robotId";s:0:"";s:7:"referer";s:73:"";s:10:"fromSearch";b:0;s:16:"previousActivity";i:0;s:11:"sedoQuattro";a:1:{s:18:"noJsonRequestPaths";a:6:{s:8:"basePath";s:1:"/";s:4:"host";s:20:"";s:8:"protocol";s:5:"https";s:12:"fullBasePath";s:29:"";s:10:"requestUri";s:41:"/ban-ghe-cafe-gia-re.t53304.html?_debug=1";s:7:"fullUri";s:69:"";}}}, 1714781811
    Run Time: 0.000162
  14. INSERT INTO xf_session_activity
    	(user_id, unique_key, ip, controller_name, controller_action, view_state, params, view_date, robot_key)
    	(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    	ip = VALUES(ip),
    	controller_name = VALUES(controller_name),
    	controller_action = VALUES(controller_action),
    	view_state = VALUES(view_state),
    	params = VALUES(params),
    	view_date = VALUES(view_date),
    	robot_key = VALUES(robot_key)
    Params: 0, t3u, t3u, XenForo_ControllerPublic_Thread, Index, valid, thread_id=53304, 1714778211,
    Run Time: 0.000127
  15. SELECT title, template_compiled
    FROM xf_template_compiled
    WHERE title IN ('page_nav', 'quattro_bbcode_xtable', 'bb_code_tag_code', 'bb_code_tag_php', 'bb_code_tag_html', 'bb_code_tag_quote', 'bb_code_tag_attach', 'bb_code_tag_spoiler', 'BRME_page_container_head', 'wf_widget_wrapper', 'wf_widget_threads', 'wf_widget_online_staff', 'wf_widget_online_users', 'wf_widget_profile_posts', 'wf_widget_stats', 'thread_view', 'nat_childlinks')
    	AND style_id = ?
    	AND language_id = ?
    Params: 2, 2
    Run Time: 0.000444
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLExf_template_compiledrangePRIMARYPRIMARY60 17Using where
  16. SELECT title, phrase_text
    FROM xf_phrase_compiled
    WHERE language_id = ?
    	AND title IN ('home')
    Params: 2
    Run Time: 0.000154
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
  17. SELECT *
    FROM xf_node
    ORDER BY lft ASC
    Run Time: 0.000423
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLExf_nodeALL    73Using filesort
  18. SELECT content_id, cache_value
    FROM xf_permission_cache_content
    WHERE permission_combination_id = ?
    	AND content_type = 'node'
    Params: 1
    Run Time: 0.000251
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLExf_permission_cache_contentrefPRIMARYPRIMARY31const,const73Using where
  19. SELECT thread.*
    	user.*, IF(user.username IS NULL, thread.username, user.username) AS username,
    	node.title AS node_title, node.node_name
    FROM xf_thread AS thread 
    	LEFT JOIN xf_user AS user ON
    		(user.user_id = thread.user_id)
    	LEFT JOIN xf_node AS node ON
    		(node.node_id = thread.node_id)
    WHERE (thread.node_id IN (62, 64, 65, 90, 95, 96, 107)) AND (thread.discussion_state IN ('visible'))
    ORDER BY thread.post_date DESC
     LIMIT 33
    Run Time: 0.001875
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLEthreadindexnode_id_last_post_date,node_id_sticky_state_last_postpost_date4 151Using where
  20. SELECT node.*, forum.*
    FROM xf_forum AS forum
    INNER JOIN xf_node AS node ON (node.node_id = forum.node_id)
    WHERE node.node_id IN (64, 95, 65, 65, 64, 64, 95, 64, 107, 96, 64, 107, 65, 64, 95, 65, 65, 107, 90, 96, 107, 95, 95, 64, 64, 107, 95, 90, 96, 64, 107, 64, 95)
    Run Time: 0.000322
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLEnoderangePRIMARYPRIMARY4 6Using where
  21. SELECT attachment.*,
    	data.filename, data.file_size, data.file_hash, data.file_path, data.width, data.height, data.thumbnail_width, data.thumbnail_height
    FROM xf_attachment AS attachment
    INNER JOIN xf_attachment_data AS data ON
    	(data.data_id = attachment.data_id)
    WHERE attachment.content_type = ?
    	AND attachment.content_id IN (374614, 374601, 374598, 374593, 374590, 374578, 374563, 374552, 374549, 374546, 374525)
                    AND (data.filename LIKE '%.png' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.jpg' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.jpeg' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.jpe' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.gif')
    GROUP BY attachment.content_id
    ORDER BY attachment.content_id, attachment.attach_date
    Params: post
    Run Time: 0.000294
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLEattachmentrangecontent_type_id_datecontent_type_id_date31 11Using index condition; Using temporary; Using filesort
    SIMPLEdataeq_refPRIMARYPRIMARY4qbkdcom_new.attachment.data_id1Using where
  22. SELECT
    FROM xf_post AS post
    WHERE post.post_id IN (374614, 374601, 374598, 374593, 374590, 374578, 374563, 374552, 374549, 374546, 374525)
    Run Time: 0.000193
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLEpostrangePRIMARYPRIMARY4 11Using where
  23. SELECT node.*, forum.*
    FROM xf_forum AS forum
    INNER JOIN xf_node AS node ON (node.node_id = forum.node_id)
    WHERE node.node_id = ?
    Params: 64
    Run Time: 0.000221
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
  24. SELECT attachment.*,
    	data.filename, data.file_size, data.file_hash, data.file_path, data.width, data.height, data.thumbnail_width, data.thumbnail_height
    FROM xf_attachment AS attachment
    INNER JOIN xf_attachment_data AS data ON
    	(data.data_id = attachment.data_id)
    WHERE attachment.content_type = ?
    	AND attachment.content_id IN (374552)
                    AND (data.filename LIKE '%.png' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.jpg' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.jpeg' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.jpe' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.gif')
    GROUP BY attachment.content_id
    ORDER BY attachment.content_id, attachment.attach_date
    Params: post
    Run Time: 0.000195
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLEattachmentrefcontent_type_id_datecontent_type_id_date31const,const1Using index condition
    SIMPLEdataeq_refPRIMARYPRIMARY4qbkdcom_new.attachment.data_id1Using where
  25. SELECT node.*, forum.*
    FROM xf_forum AS forum
    INNER JOIN xf_node AS node ON (node.node_id = forum.node_id)
    WHERE node.node_id = ?
    Params: 95
    Run Time: 0.000222
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
  26. SELECT attachment.*,
    	data.filename, data.file_size, data.file_hash, data.file_path, data.width, data.height, data.thumbnail_width, data.thumbnail_height
    FROM xf_attachment AS attachment
    INNER JOIN xf_attachment_data AS data ON
    	(data.data_id = attachment.data_id)
    WHERE attachment.content_type = ?
    	AND attachment.content_id IN (374563)
                    AND (data.filename LIKE '%.png' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.jpg' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.jpeg' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.jpe' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.gif')
    GROUP BY attachment.content_id
    ORDER BY attachment.content_id, attachment.attach_date
    Params: post
    Run Time: 0.000192
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLEattachmentrefcontent_type_id_datecontent_type_id_date31const,const1Using index condition
    SIMPLEdataeq_refPRIMARYPRIMARY4qbkdcom_new.attachment.data_id1Using where
  27. SELECT node.*, forum.*
    FROM xf_forum AS forum
    INNER JOIN xf_node AS node ON (node.node_id = forum.node_id)
    WHERE node.node_id = ?
    Params: 65
    Run Time: 0.000217
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
  28. SELECT attachment.*,
    	data.filename, data.file_size, data.file_hash, data.file_path, data.width, data.height, data.thumbnail_width, data.thumbnail_height
    FROM xf_attachment AS attachment
    INNER JOIN xf_attachment_data AS data ON
    	(data.data_id = attachment.data_id)
    WHERE attachment.content_type = ?
    	AND attachment.content_id IN (374593)
                    AND (data.filename LIKE '%.png' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.jpg' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.jpeg' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.jpe' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.gif')
    GROUP BY attachment.content_id
    ORDER BY attachment.content_id, attachment.attach_date
    Params: post
    Run Time: 0.000198
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLEattachmentrefcontent_type_id_datecontent_type_id_date31const,const1Using index condition
    SIMPLEdataeq_refPRIMARYPRIMARY4qbkdcom_new.attachment.data_id1Using where
  29. SELECT node.*, forum.*
    FROM xf_forum AS forum
    INNER JOIN xf_node AS node ON (node.node_id = forum.node_id)
    WHERE node.node_id = ?
    Params: 107
    Run Time: 0.000203
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
  30. SELECT attachment.*,
    	data.filename, data.file_size, data.file_hash, data.file_path, data.width, data.height, data.thumbnail_width, data.thumbnail_height
    FROM xf_attachment AS attachment
    INNER JOIN xf_attachment_data AS data ON
    	(data.data_id = attachment.data_id)
    WHERE attachment.content_type = ?
    	AND attachment.content_id IN (374549)
                    AND (data.filename LIKE '%.png' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.jpg' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.jpeg' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.jpe' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.gif')
    GROUP BY attachment.content_id
    ORDER BY attachment.content_id, attachment.attach_date
    Params: post
    Run Time: 0.000206
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLEattachmentrefcontent_type_id_datecontent_type_id_date31const,const1Using index condition
    SIMPLEdataeq_refPRIMARYPRIMARY4qbkdcom_new.attachment.data_id1Using where
  31. SELECT node.*, forum.*
    FROM xf_forum AS forum
    INNER JOIN xf_node AS node ON (node.node_id = forum.node_id)
    WHERE node.node_id = ?
    Params: 96
    Run Time: 0.000204
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
  32. SELECT attachment.*,
    	data.filename, data.file_size, data.file_hash, data.file_path, data.width, data.height, data.thumbnail_width, data.thumbnail_height
    FROM xf_attachment AS attachment
    INNER JOIN xf_attachment_data AS data ON
    	(data.data_id = attachment.data_id)
    WHERE attachment.content_type = ?
    	AND attachment.content_id IN (374546)
                    AND (data.filename LIKE '%.png' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.jpg' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.jpeg' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.jpe' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.gif')
    GROUP BY attachment.content_id
    ORDER BY attachment.content_id, attachment.attach_date
    Params: post
    Run Time: 0.000182
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLEattachmentrefcontent_type_id_datecontent_type_id_date31const,const1Using index condition
    SIMPLEdataeq_refPRIMARYPRIMARY4qbkdcom_new.attachment.data_id1Using where
  33. SELECT thread.*
    	user.*, IF(user.username IS NULL, thread.username, user.username) AS username,
    	node.title AS node_title, node.node_name
    FROM xf_thread AS thread 
    	LEFT JOIN xf_user AS user ON
    		(user.user_id = thread.user_id)
    	LEFT JOIN xf_node AS node ON
    		(node.node_id = thread.node_id)
    WHERE (thread.node_id IN ('54')) AND (thread.discussion_state IN ('visible'))
    ORDER BY thread.post_date DESC
     LIMIT 30
    Run Time: 0.012443
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLEthreadindexnode_id_last_post_date,node_id_sticky_state_last_postpost_date4 2705Using where
  34. SELECT node.*, forum.*
    FROM xf_forum AS forum
    INNER JOIN xf_node AS node ON (node.node_id = forum.node_id)
    WHERE node.node_id IN (54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54)
    Run Time: 0.000253
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLEnoderangePRIMARYPRIMARY4 1Using where
  35. SELECT attachment.*,
    	data.filename, data.file_size, data.file_hash, data.file_path, data.width, data.height, data.thumbnail_width, data.thumbnail_height
    FROM xf_attachment AS attachment
    INNER JOIN xf_attachment_data AS data ON
    	(data.data_id = attachment.data_id)
    WHERE attachment.content_type = ?
    	AND attachment.content_id IN (374537, 374486, 374443, 374375, 374311, 374218, 374195, 374097, 373688, 373269)
                    AND (data.filename LIKE '%.png' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.jpg' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.jpeg' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.jpe' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.gif')
    GROUP BY attachment.content_id
    ORDER BY attachment.content_id, attachment.attach_date
    Params: post
    Run Time: 0.000271
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLEattachmentrangecontent_type_id_datecontent_type_id_date31 10Using index condition; Using temporary; Using filesort
    SIMPLEdataeq_refPRIMARYPRIMARY4qbkdcom_new.attachment.data_id1Using where
  36. SELECT
    FROM xf_post AS post
    WHERE post.post_id IN (374537, 374486, 374443, 374375, 374311, 374218, 374195, 374097, 373688, 373269)
    Run Time: 0.000174
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLEpostrangePRIMARYPRIMARY4 10Using where
  37. SELECT node.*, forum.*
    FROM xf_forum AS forum
    INNER JOIN xf_node AS node ON (node.node_id = forum.node_id)
    WHERE node.node_id = ?
    Params: 54
    Run Time: 0.000207
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
  38. SELECT attachment.*,
    	data.filename, data.file_size, data.file_hash, data.file_path, data.width, data.height, data.thumbnail_width, data.thumbnail_height
    FROM xf_attachment AS attachment
    INNER JOIN xf_attachment_data AS data ON
    	(data.data_id = attachment.data_id)
    WHERE attachment.content_type = ?
    	AND attachment.content_id IN (374537, 374443, 374097)
                    AND (data.filename LIKE '%.png' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.jpg' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.jpeg' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.jpe' OR
                        data.filename LIKE '%.gif')
    GROUP BY attachment.content_id
    ORDER BY attachment.content_id, attachment.attach_date
    Params: post
    Run Time: 0.000236
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLEattachmentrangecontent_type_id_datecontent_type_id_date31 3Using index condition; Using temporary; Using filesort
    SIMPLEdataeq_refPRIMARYPRIMARY4qbkdcom_new.attachment.data_id1Using where
  39. SELECT session_activity.*
    FROM xf_session_activity AS session_activity
    	LEFT JOIN xf_user AS user ON
    		(user.user_id = session_activity.user_id)
    WHERE (session_activity.view_date > 1714777311)
    ORDER BY session_activity.view_date DESC
    Run Time: 0.002061
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLEsession_activityrangeview_dateview_date4 179Using where
  40. SELECT session_activity.*
    FROM xf_session_activity AS session_activity
    	LEFT JOIN xf_user AS user ON
    		(user.user_id = session_activity.user_id)
    WHERE (session_activity.view_date > 1714777311)
    ORDER BY session_activity.view_date DESC
    Run Time: 0.001983
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLEsession_activityrangeview_dateview_date4 179Using where
  41. SELECT data_key, data_value
    FROM xf_data_registry
    WHERE data_key IN ('wfc__1_thread_view', 'wfc_1ba364531eabedf893b81')
    Run Time: 0.000290
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLExf_data_registryrangePRIMARYPRIMARY27 2Using where
  42. SELECT data_value
    FROM xf_data_registry
    WHERE data_key = ?
    Params: boardTotals
    Run Time: 0.000151
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
  43. SELECT title, phrase_text
    FROM xf_phrase_compiled
    WHERE language_id = ?
    	AND title IN ('staff_online_now', 'members_online_now', 'forum_statistics')
    Params: 2
    Run Time: 0.000208
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLExf_phrase_compiledrangePRIMARYPRIMARY106 3Using where
  44. SELECT title, template_compiled
    FROM xf_template_compiled
    WHERE title IN ('EWRporta_Navtabs', 'nat_linkstemplate', 'xm_widgets_threads', 'wf_hook_moderator_bar', 'PAGE_CONTAINER')
    	AND style_id = ?
    	AND language_id = ?
    Params: 2, 2
    Run Time: 0.000171
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLExf_template_compiledrangePRIMARYPRIMARY60 5Using where
  45. SELECT data_key, data_value
    FROM xf_data_registry
    WHERE data_key IN ('wfc_40a0f23323d0d9fa92d6e')
    Run Time: 0.000090
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
  46. INSERT INTO xf_data_registry
    	(data_key, data_value)
    	(?, ?)
    	data_value = VALUES(data_value)
    Params: wfc_40a0f23323d0d9fa92d6e, a:2:{s:36:"hook:ad_below_top_breadcrumb_lock_33";a:2:{s:4:"html";s:1:"1";s:4:"time";i:1714778211;}s:36:"hook:ad_below_top_breadcrumb_lock_44";a:2:{s:4:"html";s:1:"0";s:4:"time";i:1714776444;}}
    Run Time: 0.000175
  47. SELECT thread.*
    FROM xf_thread AS thread 
    WHERE (thread.node_id IN ('111', '113', '114'))
    ORDER BY thread.post_date DESC
     LIMIT 50
    Run Time: 0.007443
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLEthreadindexnode_id_last_post_date,node_id_sticky_state_last_postpost_date4 2610Using where
  48. INSERT INTO xf_data_registry
    	(data_key, data_value)
    	(?, ?)
    	data_value = VALUES(data_value)
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    Run Time: 0.000534
  49. INSERT INTO xf_data_registry
    	(data_key, data_value)
    	(?, ?)
    	data_value = VALUES(data_value)
    Params: wfc_40a0f23323d0d9fa92d6e, a:2:{s:36:"hook:ad_below_top_breadcrumb_lock_33";a:2:{s:4:"html";s:1:"0";s:4:"time";i:1714778211;}s:36:"hook:ad_below_top_breadcrumb_lock_44";a:2:{s:4:"html";s:1:"0";s:4:"time";i:1714776444;}}
    Run Time: 0.000150
  50. SELECT title, template_compiled
    FROM xf_template_compiled
    WHERE title IN ('nat_bodyjs')
    	AND style_id = ?
    	AND language_id = ?
    Params: 2, 2
    Run Time: 0.000234
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
  51. SELECT title, template_compiled
    FROM xf_template_compiled
    WHERE title IN ('VigLink')
    	AND style_id = ?
    	AND language_id = ?
    Params: 2, 2
    Run Time: 0.000124
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra

Included Files (202, XenForo Classes: 70)

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